Friday, January 09, 2009

'The past and The present'

Truly spesaking, its been a whirlwind journey after marriage. The honeymoon trip to Manali was very memorable. And thereafter, started a life with loads of responsibilities. Not that I shirk them but yes, the carefree attitude had to go out of the window.

However, the sense of togetherness brings with it lots of joy and happiness. And that is what I been lucky to witness in the company of my wife.

One of the milestones of Rupanjali's career was reached when she successfully enrolled herself for the PhD program towards the last week of January, 2008. The next milestone was that of her paper being published in the Malaria journal in September, 2009. By this time, I had also slipped into the comfort zone at Alcatel-Lucent.

But apart from all these, there was another lingering thought that was running through our minds; and that was about the joys of the impending parenthood and the responsbilities that it would bring along. An anxious wait throughout the month of October gave way to the birth of 'Sayantan' on the 5th of November, 2008. And wasn't it a great feeling to have him with us!!! Slowly but surely Sayantan has grown from a tiny tot to a more grown up one, if I may say so. But this hasn't come about without many a nightouts for the two of us. Now Rupanjali has surely started to understand his whims and fancies. For all his snaps uploaded till date, visit:

While I write this blog, my wife and my son are hundreds of miles away. And the longing for them in my heart grows by each passing day. Another 13 days to go before I catch up with them once again. And wouldn't it be a joyful re-union then!!!

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."