Wednesday, March 28, 2018

SD-WAN growth - Vendors and Operators

SD‐WAN uses software and cloud‐based technologies to simplify delivery of WAN services to branch offices. Software based virtualization enables network abstraction that results in simplification of network operations.

The costly branch network using MPLS cloud is replaced by Cloud based services which are connected to the branches using secure overlay networks. This reduces the cost of the high complexity branch deployments.
SD-WAN in a nutshell:
✓Virtualizes the network
✓Enables a secure overlay
✓Simplifies services delivery
✓Provides interoperability
✓Leverages cost effective hardware
✓Supports automation with business policy framework
✓Monitors usage and performance
✓Supports interoperable and open networking
✓Enables managed services

Branch networking can automate deployment over private networks, broadband internet and LTE.

According to the IHS Technology Data Center Network Equipment Quarterly Market Tracker report, there was a total of $38.5 million in SD-WAN revenue during the first quarter of 2017.

Viptela had a strong lead with $7.7 million in revenue, or 21 percent of the total market share; VeloCloud claimed $4.9 million in revenue, or 14 percent of the market; and Talari Networks brought in $3.8 million in revenue — 11 percent of the market share for the quarter, according to the report.


As network pros rely more and more on SD-WAN to streamline connections among enterprise sites, the market for this technology will balloon from $225 million in 2015 to $1.19 billion by the end of 2017, according to IDC.

Over the next five years, SD-WAN sales will grow at a 69% compound annual growth rate, hitting $8.05 billion in 2021, according to IDC’s Worldwide SD-WAN Forecast, 2017–2021.


Also Read:

Vendors and Service providers of SD-WAN:

SD-WAN SupplierAnnounced Service Provider Wins
Cisco IWAN TelstraVodafoneBT
Cisco Viptela VerizonNTTPCSingtelPCTL
NuageBTNTT Data IntellilinkExponential-eChina MobileTelia SoneraTelefonicaMyRepublicTelus
Silver PeakMasergyChina TelecomNTTInteroute
TELoIPAccess OneX10 NetworksCalifornia TelecomFreewire
VeloCloudAT&TWindstreamTelePacificMegaPathGlobal CapacitySprintGTTMetTelTelstraMacquarie TelecomCHT GlobalVonage

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

ONF Blog

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

Key Aspects of Project Management

The key disciplines

Risk Management
Stakeholder management

360 degree review of manager:

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

P4 versus OpenFlow

Nice Article:

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

OpenFlow prospects

OpenFlow was adopted as protocol of communication between SDN controllers and SDN compliant DP switches. This strategy was adopted to disaggregate the control plane from data plane giving the end user more programmability using SDN based networks.

Service provider deployment of SDN vs Enterprise deployment of SDN         
In the enterprise, that approach garnered a lot of interest, but ultimately limited acceptance, the analysts said, estimating less than 2,000 deployments that meet the original architectural requirements, mostly in Japan. The story's different in the service provider market, where OpenFlow, which became synonymous with SDN, "gained significant traction," according to Gartner.
Among the many reasons for the tepid enterprise adoption cited by Gartner: The conservative nature of networking buyers, a lack of immediate business drivers, and the market power of incumbent vendors that had a vested interest in protecting their position.

The global software defined networking market is expected to grow at approx. USD 61 Billion by 2023, at 39% of CAGR between 2017 and 2023.

The overall data center network equipment market includes Ethernet switches, bare metal, application delivery controllers (ADCs), and SD-WAN revenue.

While investment in physical infrastructure continues to drive network equipment growth in the short term, IHS Markit expects this to slow down this year (2018) and next as companies move from on-premises data centers to the cloud. This will mean fewer — but higher capacity — servers, reducing the need for data center Ethernet switch ports along with the move to virtual ADCs.
Data center network equipment revenue totaled $13.7 billion in 2017, a 13 percent increase over the previous year, according to IHS Markit’s latest numbers. The analyst firm forecasts the market will grow to $19.6 billion by 2022.
The ongoing shift to the cloud not only moves network equipment out of the enterprise data center, but also requires less equipment, as the cloud represents data center consolidation on a wide scale.” The new data center network equipment report also projects SD-WAN revenue, which hit $444 million for the full-year 2017, will reach $3.6 billion by 2022. The next wave for SD-WAN includes increased analytics, with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) providing multi-cloud connectivity,

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Leader's Mindset

  • Do not be limited to your direct responsibilities in your work. Extend your sphere to enable / facilitate other teams if you have the bandwidth. This will ensure you remain connected to other teams even if they are not direct reportees, grow in your work and in the process be an enabler for others.
  • Work closely with your team members to help identify areas where you can help them excel. Be a part of their success.
  • Learnt to restrain your frustration and anger. It never helps other than aggravating situation. If faced with a challenging situation where things aren't moving as you expect, think calmly and you will have a way around the problem without souring relationship.
  • Ignore small things which you are likely to forget in due course of time. Do not attach too much importance to trivial things and loose your sleep.
  • Good communication is very important for a leader. Before any discussion, try to role play and anticipate the mind of the person with whom you are going to converse and plan your responses accordingly. People do not like to converse with colleagues who are shallow in their discussion points.
  • Its also important to ensure that communication brings out the right meaning as was meant to be communicated.
  • Know the processes well and make sure you adhere to them. A good leader is expected to follow processes or improve upon them.
  • Be always prepared for a meeting well before hand with concrete points and responses to possible questions that may get asked.
  • If you do not get criticised in your profession it will mean that your profession is not important enough. In any path of life, if you get accolades be also prepared for brickbats. It comes with the package. 
  • Learn to back your instincts. Always formulate an opinion regarding the things around you.

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."