Thursday, September 07, 2006

I am back...

It a'int surprising if somebody wondered whether this guy vanished into thin air, after all!!! No posts for one full month; where did he go?
Well, August for a change, was full of activities.With my mother,brother,mashi n mesho then scheduled to visit Gurgaon around the 2nd week of the month, the early days of August was a wake up call for me to get into the cleaning up act. I am not dirty but you know how a bachelor's room inevitably looks like, don't you - things strewn all over the place, books and computer covered with a layer of dust, smelling bed-sheets, et al... :) But trust me, I was much cleaner on most of those counts. However, a sprucing up act was of-course required.
My family reached Delhi on the 9th of Aug. During their stay, we visited Agra (Mathura & Vrindavan- both en-route to Agra) during the first week-end and then went to visit the Himalayan paradise - Manali, the following week.
Their stay lasted around 10 odd days. On the flip side, the climate at Gurgaon was pathetic during that period - high temperatures coupled with humidity made matters worse. But, thankfully, the trips were pretty successful and they left satisfied at the end . My family departed from Delhi on the 19th of Aug and from then on, I have plunged myself into the the current assignment @office so as to be able to find time for my Puja vacations.
So looking forward to Durga Puja and eager to be back home soon...

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

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