Sunday, August 07, 2011

Updates from National and International Arena...

A lot of water has flown under the Thames since my last post. Just thought about updating the blog after a long time. Some of the important news that has captured the headlines since then are:

- After 18 long years of wait, the Indian team finally won the World Cup under Dhoni's captaincy with some inspirational performances from Zaheer Khan and Yuvraj Singh. Its a moment to cherish and may the victory bugles continue to play for long.

- The Lok-Pal bill seems to have united the nation against corruption of the state. While the Congress Govt. tries to skirt the issue with a so called -"Jok-Pal Bill" that does not have much teeth to take to task the corrupted politicians and Babu's, the Anna Hazare camp is really giving them some tough times with some scathing questions.

- The 2G spectrum scam has taken toll on a number of high-profile politicians such as A.Raja, Kanimozhi, Dayanidhi Maran from the DMK camp and also on the party in the latest Tamil-Nadu elections in 2011.

- Suresh Kalamadi - the CWG OC is also being pressed on charges of swindling tax-payers money in the run up to the CWG event in New-Delhi.

- Osama Bin Laden was killed from his Abottabad compound in Islamabad, Pakistan following a daring action by the US Navy seals.

- America faces a serious fiscal crisis with its credit rating being on the line for its huge debt burden, raising the possibility of a double dip recession in US. Would it impact its war-on-terror? Time will tell.

- China is emerging as the new world power, flexing its muscles in ASIA and across the continents as well by lapping up vital resources like oil-fields to building Dams for holding up the waters from the rivers without caring for any water-sharing agreements with its neighbors. Its also accused of sponsoring mass scale cyber attacks all around the world. Its high-speed rail network is the cynosure of all eyes at present. Also, the state supported mobile company 'Huawei' is making the mobile market leaders like Ericcson shake in its legs. The Chinese Dragon is living upto its reputation, gobbling up everything that comes in its way.

- Google launches Google+ to compete with Facebook as the preferred social networking site.

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

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