Friday, August 19, 2011

On the Anna Movement...

Heard many voices ridicule that not many know about the Jan Lok Pal but still support Anna. That's because he stands more for the anti-corruption movement against the existing system rather than the Jan Lok Pal. People might have differences with his version of the Lok Pal but find the Govts' watered down version of the bill inexplicable in such tumultuous times.

After all that has happened in the 'Anna' campaign till date, I am still perplexed regding the Govt. handling of the issue!!! It has now opened the Ram Lila grounds for agitation. As far as I see it, with the wave of support for Anna, the Govt will have to enter into discussion with him. So why not now and put an end to the agitation and start talking? Are back channel discussions in progress? Or is the Govt. hoping the tide of protests will die down?

19-Aug: Anna to continue his movement from the Ram Lila ground.

27-Aug: Anna's 3 sticking points with the Govt:
   a) Introducing Lok-Ayuktas for the states as part of the Lok-Pal Bill
   b) Introducing a citizen charter to listen to citizen's complaint.
   c) Bringing the lower bureaucracy under the Lok-Pal.

As the Parliament debates these issues, a +ve resolution on all these points will result in Anna breaking his fast on the 12th day. The devil lies always in the details. Question remains if the Anna camp will now be satisfied with the new draft that is expected to be presented containing a resolution on all the 3 issues!!! Time will tell. But my personal opinion is now the fast should be broken and Parliamentary procedures allowed to take its course. I still find it difficult to believe that the Parliamentarians will deliver an honestly strong Lok-Pal bill. They will keep loop holes in between to save their skin. But, the agitation can continue once the final bill is presented and if it still compromises on corruption. Till then, let the Parliament reign supreme and allow the equilibrium of the democracy be restored. Let this end as a good precedent and not a horribly wrong dream where we get into a zero-sum game. That way, the civil society agitation will have a dignified place in history and set a good precedent of providing adequate checks-and-balances on the legislature which even the Constitution of the country would have considered as a master-stroke.

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

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