Saturday, June 03, 2006

The country is going to the Dogs...

The country is embroiled in one of the hottest debates on the issue of caste-based reservation. SC has now sent out an order stating any protests, statements or agitation as contempt of court since PILs have already been filed in court and the matter is now sub-judicial.
To go back shortly in time, the Maha-Rally on 27th May, 2006 was a grand success. Things were looking up with rallies being taken out in Mumbai and Bangalore as well, on the 28th May, 2006. With all these rallies witnessing participation of substatially large numbers of public, even the political parties like BJP were showing signs of aligning themselves with the general public by demanding a white paper on the outcome of reservation that has been in place for the last 55 years. On the 29th of May, 2006, in response to a PIL, the SC asked the governement to spell out the basis for the 27% reservation for the OBCs. Just when things looked rosy, SC fired off a statement on 30th of May, 2006 declaring all forms of agitation against reservation as tantamounting to contempt of court. The medicos were the first to be targeted and they were directed to get back to work or face court proceedings. The medicos finally wilted on the 31st of May, 2006 when they called off their strike and returned back to medical services. Since then, the reservation issue has not found a place on the front page of the newspapers.
We, the corporates have also joined the movement and were a part of the rally on the 27th of May, 2006. We thought about carrying the movement forward by taking out a rally in Gurgaon organised by the "Pukar" (A Corporate Initiative...). The rally is scheduled for the 5th of June, 2006 and the logistics are still not completely in place. It remains to be seen whether we can make it a success or we falter at the hurdle.
The groups like "Youth For Equality" have also toned down their demands. Probably, the 27% reservation is now a destiny and a scar that we will have to live with. It troubles us now and will continue to trouble us in future as well till the reins are in the hands of such un-scrupulous politicans.
The caste based has not helped the deprived and the down-trodden. It has always been hijacked by the "creamy layer" amongst the backward classes. While they have already cornered the benefits of reservation, they do not want the benefits to be diluted.
The question that comes to my mind right now is where is the end to this caste-based system? will an independent country, considered to be a knowledge powerhouse, with a booming economy, ultimately go to the dogs!!!
With the current reports coming in, the government is considering further tightening of screws on this issue. They want to have a say in the fee structure, number of seats, examination.. What next? Prescribe books and class schedules?

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

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