Monday, June 26, 2006

A welcome change in the catering service @office

I dare say that the anti-reservation issue may not have had a direct impact on the lives of the people as yet but its side-effects are showing.

The caterer in our office cafetaria had almost made a mockery of the whole system. When they started catering about a year back, the initial stuffs that they dished out was pretty palatable. But as time passed, they started changing colours. The food quality went from bad to worse while the coupon rates had either remained same or even increased. During their initial days, they started off with Rs.15 coupons. But the quantity of the food was very in-adequate. With the employees raising their voice, they found a convinient option out by changing the coupon rate from Rs.15 to Rs.20 in return for an increased quantity. People still did not have much of a problem with that but as days passed by, things really started going out of hand. The food quality had deteriorated like anything and any amount of complaints with the Admin people would fall on deaf ears.

At times, people found to their dismay that the food was half cooked, while at other occassions, even insects were found to make an appearance. The quality of service was also bad. A lot had been written about it on Junk and a link for feedback towards the cafetaria services were also provided. But nothing could change the status quo.

Fed up with all other means, one of the employees proposed boycott of the cafetaria services and the boycott date was fixed to be the 22nd of june (Thursday). People responded positively in large numbers and the Admin was forced to come up with an immediate action plan to change the caterer. While the Admin had earlier stated that the caterers would be changed by the 30th of June, but the success of the boycott seemed to have hastened the things and finally we had a new caterer in place from today itself.

All I can say is "Kudos to this sense of belief that one should always stand up for their rights". May good sense prevail!!!

"....The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind...."

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